In this tutorial, you will understand the how authentication works between React UI and SpringBoot backend.
What You will Learn
- How users are authenticated from React to SpringBoot
- User login with a React form
- User registration in a React form
- User logout
- Adding credentials to request header using interceptors
- Adding and removing data from local storage (cookies or session variable)
Here are the Step below:
1. User Registration Flow
- User fills and submits the registration form (Sign Up form).
- Registration data (firstname, lastname, username and password) is sent via the request body to the /register endpoint.
- The UserRepository saves the data to the Users table in the database
- A registration success response with a status code of 200(Ok) or 201(created is sent back to React
- The Registration page redirects to a RegistrationSuccessful page with a link to the login page
- User clicks on the link to go back to the login page
2. User Login Flow
Now that the user has been registered:
- he now has a username and password to be able to login. Here are the steps:
- User enters his username and password to the login form
- The username and password is send via the Request body to the /login endpoint
- The authenticate function is called which checks the user details against the database record
- If authentication is successful, an authentication successful message is sent back with a 200(ok) status code
- The user credentials is saved to local storage (cookie or session storage)
- (Optionally) A global state called isUserAuthenticated is set to true.
3. Accessing Protected Resources
Since the user is now logged in,
- he now tries to access the protected page which should display a list of products
- The page triggers an effect hook which makes a request to the /products endpoint
- The interceptor intercepts this request, checks for the user credentials in the local storage, retrieves and attaches this credential to the request before it is sent
- List of products is received as a response and then displayed on the page.
4. User Logout Flow
- User clicks on the logout button.
- The user credentials is removed from the local storage (session or cookie)
- Set the isUserAuthenticated global state to false
The flow is given below