React – How to Filter Select list by Another Select list in React

In this tutorial, I will show you how to filter a Dropdownlist based on another Dropdownlist in React. We would use the example of Product, Category and SubCategory to demonstrate this.

We would cover the following six steps

  1. Define  the States
  2. Create the useEffect Hook to Fetch the Categories
  3. Create the useEffect Hook to Fetch the SubCategories
  4. Write the Categories <Select> and Handler
  5. Write the SubCategories <Select> and Handler
  6. Add Some Styling


1. Create the States

We would need states to hold the total categories list(categories, the complete subcategory list  (allSubcategories) and the filtered sub-category list (filteredSubCategories)

These are defined as shown below:

const [categories, setCategories] = useState([]);
const [allSubCategories, setAllSubCategories] = useState([]); 
const [filteredSubCategories, setFilteredSubCategories] = useState([]); 


Also update the newProduct state to include categoryid and subcategoryid. This is shown below:

const [newProduct, setNewProduct] = useState({
  title: '',
  summary: '',
  content: '',
  categoryid: '',
  subcategoryid: '',
  created_at: new Date().toISOString()  // Set current datetime



2. Create the useEffect Hook to Fetch Categories

We use the effect hook to load up the Categories when the application starts up.

useEffect(() => {
    axios.get('http://localhost:8081/categories').then((response) => {
  .catch ((error) =>  {
      console.error('Error fetching categories:', error);
}, []);



3. Create the useEffect Hook to Fetch SubCategories

We also want to load up the subCategories when the application starts up.

useEffect(() => {
  axios.get('http://localhost:8081/subCategories').then((response) => {
    .catch((error) => {
      console.log('Error occurred fetching subcategories', error);
}, []);


Update the Table: At this point you can update the table to include category and subcategory columns


4. Write the Categories Select and Handler

We load the categories into the <select> for categories. We also set the value to newProduct.categoryid. Also not the the default selected item is the text “Choose..” whose value defaults to empty string.

    id="categoryid" onChange={handleCategoryChange} 
    value={newProduct.categoryid} >
      <option >Choose...</option>
      {categories.filter(c => c.title != null).map(category => (
        <option key={} value={}>


Write the event handler (handleCategoryChange): When the category is selected we do the following

  • obtain the value of the category that was selected
  • update the categoryid of the newProduct
  • filter the subCategories base on the categoryid 
const handleCategoryChange = (event) => { 
  const selectedCategoryId =; 
      categoryid: selectedCategoryId, 
      subcategoryid: '' // Reset subcategory when category changes 
    // Filter the subcategories based on the selected category
    const filteredSubCategories = allSubCategories.filter(
      (subCategory) => subCategory.categoryid === Number(selectedCategoryId)
    setFilteredSubCategories(filteredSubCategories); // Update the filtered subcategories



5. Write the SubCategories Select and Handler

  id="subcategoryid" value={newProduct.subcategoryid} 
  { => (
    <option key={} value={}>


In the handler for subCategories select, we simply obtain the selected sub-categoryid and use it to update the subcategoryid field of the newProduct

const handleSubCategoryChange = (event) => {
  const selectedSubCategoryId =;
    subcategoryid: selectedSubCategoryId



6. Add Some Styling to the Select 

We add some style to the <select> using the sx prop

    width: '100%', // Makes it full width
    padding: '8px', // Adds padding for better UI
    borderRadius: '4px', // Adds rounded corners
    border: '1px solid #ccc', // Adds a border
    marginBottom: '16px', // Adds margin at the bottom
    fontSize: '16px', // Sets a readable font size


Now you can start the application and enjoy!!

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Kindson Munonye is currently completing his doctoral program in Software Engineering in Budapest University of Technology and Economics

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