CRUD Tutorial With Spring, H2, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, JQuery and MySQL (Step by Step Procedure)

In this series, I am going to teach you how to build a data-driven page. Watch the video lesson

We would use the following:

  • Spring Boot
  • Thymeleaf
  • JQuery/JavaScript
  • Bootstrap(CSS)
  • H2
  • MySQL
  • MVC

The final result of this application would be as shown below

End result of Crud with Thymeleaf

So let’s get started!

Note: While you could follow the procedure, you could also watch the video series to get a more detailed explanation

Step 1: Create a Spring Application

  • Go to
  • Create  a new application
  • Download the application
  • Extract and open the project in  Spring Tool Suite (sts)


Step 2: Add the necessary dependencies

  • Open the pom.xml
  • Ensure the following dependencies are there:
    • H2
    • mysql-connector-java
    • spring-boot-starter-data-JPA
    • spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf
    • spring-boot-starter-web
    • spring-web
    • spring-context
    • Bootstrap
    • JQuery
  • You can get dependencies from the Maven Repositories site. (watch the video step by step tutorial)


Step 3: Create the Model 

We’ll be creating a application to store records of countries

  • Create a class called Nationality. Put it in the models package
  • The class would have the following fields:
    • Id, Name, Capital, UpdatedBy, UpdatedOn
  • Annotate the class with the @Entity annotation
  • Annotate the Id field with the @Id annotation
  • Annotate the UpdatedOn date field with the @DateTimeFormat annotation as shown below
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private Date UpdatedOn;


As you take the following step, from Step 4, keep in mind the architecture we are working with as shown below:

Crud MVC Architecture


Step 4: Create the Repository

  • Create a class called NationalityRepository inside the repositories package
  • Annotate this class with the @Repository annotation
  • Specify the object class as Nationality and the primary key type as Integer


Step 5: Create the Service

  • Create the NationalityService class inside a services package
  • Annotate the class with the @Service annotation
  • Autowire the NationalityRepository into the NationalityService
  • Write the methods for the following operations:
    • GetNationalities
    • GetNationalityById
    • AddNationality
    • UpdateNationality
    • DeleteNationality

When completed, the NationalityService class would be as shown below:

public class NationalityService {
	private  NationalityRepository nationalityRepository;

	public  List<Nationality> getNationalities() {
		return (List<Nationality>) nationalityRepository.findAll();

	public void save(Nationality nationality) {;

	public Optional<Nationality> getNationalityById(Integer id) {
		return nationalityRepository.findById(id);

	public void deleteById(Integer id) {

	public void updateNationality(Nationality nationality) {;

	public void addNationality(Nationality nationality) {;




Step 7: Build the Controller

  • Create class called NationalityController in the controllers package
  • Annotate this class with the @Controller annotation. (not @RestController!)
  • Write the the controller methods, same as the methods in the Service

At the end the NationlityController file would be as shown below:

public class NationalityController {
	private NationalityService nationalityService;
	public String getNationalities(Model model) {
		model.addAttribute("nationalities", nationalityService.getNationalities());
		return "nationalities";
	public Optional<Nationality> getNationalityById(Integer Id, Model model ) {
		model.addAttribute("onenationality", nationalityService.getNationalityById(Id));
		return nationalityService.getNationalityById(Id);
	@RequestMapping(value="/save", method = {RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.PUT, RequestMethod.GET})
	public String updateNationality(Nationality nationality) {
		return "redirect:/nationalities";
	@RequestMapping(value="/addNew", method = {RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.PUT, RequestMethod.GET})
	public String addNationality(Nationality nationality) {
		return "redirect:/nationalities";
	@RequestMapping(value="/delete", method = {RequestMethod.DELETE, RequestMethod.PUT, RequestMethod.GET})
	public String deleteNationality(Integer Id) {
		return "redirect:/nationalities";


Step 8: Add the HTML File

Create a html file in the templates folder. The name should be nationalities.html


Step 9: Test the Application

  • Run the application as a Spring Application
  • Visit http://localhost:8080/nationalities

Note: If you receive errors, don’t worry, we’ll fix it in the next lesson

Watch the video Series

In the next lesson, we would work on building the html file.

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Kindson Munonye is currently completing his doctoral program in Software Engineering in Budapest University of Technology and Economics

View all posts by kindsonthegenius →

13 thoughts on “CRUD Tutorial With Spring, H2, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, JQuery and MySQL (Step by Step Procedure)

  1. Pingback: CRUD With Spring, H2, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, JQuery and MySQL(Step by Step) – Part 1 | Nikkies Tutorials
  2. Pingback: CRUD With Spring, H2, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, JQuery, MySQL Step by Step Procedure Part 13 | Nikkies Tutorials
  3. Pingback: CRUD With Spring, H2, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, JQuery, MySQL Step by Step Procedure Part 12 | Nikkies Tutorials
  4. Pingback: CRUD With Spring, H2, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, JQuery, MySQL Step by Step Procedure – Part 5 | Nikkies Tutorials
  5. Pingback: CRUD With Spring, H2, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, JQuery, MySQL Step by Step Procedure – Part 6 | Nikkies Tutorials
  6. Pingback: CRUD With Spring, H2, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, JQuery, MySQL Step by Step Procedure Part 10 | Nikkies Tutorials
  7. Pingback: CRUD With Spring, H2, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, JQuery, MySQL Step by Step Procedure Part 3 | Nikkies Tutorials
  8. Pingback: CRUD With Spring, H2, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, JQuery, MySQL (Step by Step Procedure) – Part 2 | Nikkies Tutorials
  9. Pingback: CRUD With Spring, H2, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, JQuery, MySQL Step by Step Procedure Part 11 | Nikkies Tutorials
  10. Pingback: CRUD With Spring, H2, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, JQuery, MySQL Step by Step Procedure Part 4 | Nikkies Tutorials
  11. Pingback: CRUD With Spring, H2, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, JQuery, MySQL Step by Step Procedure – Part 7 | Nikkies Tutorials
  12. I have followed this and other Tutorials and loved the way you teach Thanx for that
    There is one problem I got from this and its that the variables passed to the HTML is not “singletons” / i.e Scoped not Session variables that causes the returning data to be a new instance of the class to be created – so If you have a larger data-set than a mere 2-3 variables to edit the data NOT used/updated in the have to be merged with the original data class upon receiving the edited fields. If you used scoped or session you have a singular data class in memory that is updated and the original data class change can just be saved!
    Can you show us the scoped sample?
    Probably using the annotation
    @Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_SESSION, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)

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